Creating Customer Service Superstars
Distinguishing Yourself from the Rest
1. WHAT DO WE BRING TO THE PARTY?a. 1st two steps of the process
a.1. identifying the lies that keep us from moving forward
a.2. acknowledging and confronting weaknesses
a.3. people or procedures? To which are we committed?
b. A short course in personal empowerment- the ONLY way to become a servant!
1.b.1.1.This segment includes the Make It Happen component.
a. How is customer service measured?
b. Identifying the different kinds of customers and what each is looking for and how they react when they DO or DO NOT get what they want.
c. Creating a customer service mission statement
d. Four interrelated components of service excellence
e. Focusing on what's important. Taking advantage of what others are NOT focusing on can be a great asset and an even greater equalizer for the smaller company trying to compete.
"Creating Customer Service Superstars in the Health and Wellness Industry"
Philippine Wellness and Spa Association
b. Importance of administrative sensitivity and inclusion
c. Internal and interactive communication that can make all the difference
4. HOW TO POSITIVELY IMPACT THE DISGRUNTLED CUSTOMER AND THE DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEEa. Turning negatives into positives. Your mistakes (and you will make some) can become the greatest chance to win a customer for life.
b. Dealing with the NON customer servant
a. What happens tomorrow?
b. Creating a customer service quality control team
b.1. rationale
b.2. criteria of team members
b.3. responsibilities
c. Homework for the ride home!!!
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