Motivating the Unmotivated Learner

Regardless of what teacher you ask, you will get the same reply when it comes to their most challenging dilemma: “How do I motivate someone who does not want to learn?” Both new and experienced teachers face this same challenge, and this seminar, presented by a teacher who has been overcoming this obstacle for 25 years with remarkable consistency and accolades from his peers, will be the answer to your prayers.

Why spend countless hours trying to find the solution to this age old educational problem when a one day seminar will give you all the answers?

With De La Salle University Professors

This seminar will focus on several distinct yet important segments.

1. A good long look NOT AT THE STUDENT BUT AT THE TEACHER! This Make It Happen component, a basic part of every E.J. McKnight STANDING OVATIONS workshop, will focus on YOU, what you “bring to the classroom,” what unspoken influences you can generate, why the experiences of YOUR life can be irresistible to every student, and why you must reach for all the possibilities in your own life if you expect to motivate others to do the same!

2. A Look At Educational History to find what DOES NOT work and why!
In this segment we will also explore the myths of education and learning, discover why our attention often needs to be elsewhere than on traditional practices.

3. Why YOUR motivation NOT THEIRS is the most important consideration.

4. Tapping into WHAT HAS ALWAYS WORKED and why.
And why has it been so often ignored by educators today.

5. Motivational techniques from the best educators and mentors I know.
How to use the priceless wisdom of the past and update it for present consumption.

6. Relationships between motivation (internal and external), discipline, and well defined expectations from each party.

7. How to deal with the most stubborn challenges:
the student who refuses to comply or try, the youngster who lacks confidence, the apathetic student, the discipline problem or disruptive influence, the child who faces many more urgent and extreme challenges than their education. An intense hour of discussion will enlighten each attendee with remarkably proven solutions to each one of these educational situations and will enable each participant to leave feeling empowered to make a difference in the lives of these students who so need our best efforts.

8. How to rekindle your creative instincts to create a world class educational environment regardless of finances or governmental support.
Creativity and resourcefulness are imperative if we hope to reach many of our students. This segment will focus on the FUN part of education. We will have a time of sharing and “hands on” activities that will spark the creativity in all participating teachers. How can each teacher make their classroom fit their personality and STILL make it the best part of each student’s day!

“ I have put together this seminar so every teacher will not need to waste years finding the right formula. Although I am now teaching in the #1 High School in the United States (as selected by TIME magazine), I have also taught in the most difficult schools and under some of the worst situations imaginable, and I can attest that these strategies WILL WORK FOR YOU.”
- E.J. McKnight -
