Motivating the Motivator
A unique seminar specially designed for leaders, incentive planners, managers and supervisors that promises to give you an unparalleled experience.
This seminar focuses on the motivator and how he can make “his back door look as good as his front”.
Rotary Club - Tomas Morato
Most motivational seminars are directed at the rank and file, and provide detailed lists of obvious problems and even more obvious solutions. However, they omit the most important component: how to change personal perceptions and corporate dynamics in order to IMPLEMENT these possible solutions and oftentimes to prevent the problems from ever occurring in the first place!
Featured is a mini course in Make It Happen, a humorous yet intense component of EJ McKnight’s basic philosophies that have affected thousands. It also offers suggestions on effective non-cash incentives. Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to have a mini AttiTuneup with EJ McKnight!
1. What are you trying to accomplish?
A thorough look at your objectives in SPECIFIC not general terms.
2. Why are YOU the one to direct this motivation task?
Your effectiveness is only as good as your credibility.
3. Important questions and self-evaluation.
A primer on YOUR state of readiness as a motivator.
1. Highly effective motivation techniques.
A study of what works and what doesn’t, based on data collected from seminar participants in various settings.
2. Why people do what they do? What personal values are at the core of your employees’ motivations.
This component is at the heart of every good motivation study and MUST be highly considered.
3. The fine line yet critical difference between “patting someone on the back” and “kicking them in the backside.”
Why different people need to be motivated in different ways and how you can tell the difference, yet still maintain fairness in application.
4. Three “magical” keys to every successful motivational effort.
Signature strategies of EJ McKnight that have solidified his motivational effectiveness as a coach, teacher, and employer
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